Halal Standards Development Trust (HASDAT) is an independent, voluntary non-profit organization, approved by the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), mandated in the supervision, inspection, audit, certification, and compliance of halal principles and practices in the Nigerian food and beverages industry.

HASDAT standards are based on the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) and the International Halal Integrity Alliance Global halal standards (IHIA).

Training & Capacity Building

Halal Awareness Training, for internal organisation development, which covers the enhancement of knowledge, expertise and technology to meet the current demands.

Auditing Services

We provide independent auditing services which are an essential management tool to be used to verify objective evidence of processes and activities.

Halal Consultation Services

Assistance in application of ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal certification standard (A Global Halal Standard)

Research and Development

Promoting scientific research and projects geared towards further development of the global Halal industry.

Advocacy & Education

Halal Advocacy aimed at empowering consumers to confidently access lawful and pure consumables and services which conform to the highest halal standrds.

Halal Tourism

Promoting tourism products, providing hospitality services that comply with Islamic Law.


Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. The opposite of halal is haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life but this discussion will be limited to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal careproducts, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials.

While many things are clearly halal or haram, there are some things which are not clear. Further information is needed to categorize them as halal or haram. Such items are often referred to as mashbooh, which means doubtful or questionable.

All foods are considered halal except the following sources:

  • Swine/Pork and its by-products
  • Animals NOT properly slaughtered according to Islamic method or dead before slaughtering
  • Alcoholic drinks and intoxicants
  • Carnivorous animals and birds of prey
  • Blood and blood by-products

Foods contaminated with any materials from above categories

Foods containing ingredients such as gelatin, enzymes, emulsifiers, and flavors are questionable (mashbooh), because the origin of these ingredients or components thereof, may be haram

Meat and poultry should be processed according to Islamic requirements. This is commonly referred to as Zabiha or Dhabiha. Zabiha refers to slaughtering of an animal or bird by a Muslim according to Islamic requirements.

Halal Certification is the processes of having a qualified independent third party supervise the production of consumables, attesting that they were produced in conformity with the preparation and ingredient standards of the halal lifestyle. After successful adoption and performance of halal productivity procedures, the supervisory third party then issues Halal Certification to the producer attesting to halal conformity on a per product basis.

Halal Certification is required to produce acceptable food and consumable products for halal consumers. That includes the 1.4 billion Muslims in the world and the many millions of others who also choose to eat halal products because of the obvious positive health benefits associated with the cleanliness and purity of food and drug preparation within the halal framework as well as the compassion with which animals are slaughtered when done so in accordance with halal standards.